MyFood Locker

myfood locker

MyFood Locker - $1,000


Siena van der Pol (16)
Zoe Wind (15)
Zoe Frenette (16)
Ana Baltenau (15)
Harriet Fisher (16)


Many high school students are vulnerable to food insecurity. This can severely impact their physical, mental, and social health as well as their ability to perform in school. Our program, MyFoodLocker aims to combat this issue and ensure that all students have free, anonymous access to healthy food. Within the MyFoodLocker website, students are able to select and order a box that best suits their needs - a breakfast box, a lunch box , a dinner box, or a box containing sanitary products and toiletries. Students are able to access it anonymously and volunteers work within the school to keep the delivery of the boxes anonymous and discreet. 

In their words: “Food insecurity is not something that is always clearly visible as it can take many forms and it is not a one-size-fits-all situation. It can be a result of many factors including an unstable home life or a strain on family resources. Our goal is not necessarily to fix this issue, but it is to assist people who are struggling and provide them with a support system, making sure that they know that they have options available to them. Reaching out for help can often be difficult due to the social stigma surrounding food insecurity, thus, MyFoodLocker allows students to gain access to essential products in an easy, confidential, and non-confrontational manner.”