Trap House Boomin’

Trap House Boomin’ - $1,000


Abdi Sidow (23)
Caleb Sell (23)
Caleb Cakpo (23)
Maya Basudde (21)


Our initiative seeks to create environments and programs for youth that will keep them off the streets through preventative measures instead of punitive. We are seeking to offer a range of activities to youth such as mentorship, basketball, rollerblading, rock climbing, and more that will keep them engaged in their communities and not in the streets. Our hope is to have monthly activities and events throughout the end of 2019 and throughout 2020.

In their words: “At Trap House Boomin our slogan is I am, I can, I will. We believe in our dream and in each other. In order for us to spread our message, we need to be an example of that in everything that we do. This project spreads a message that with passion, the right people, and careful planning and organization, your dream, can become a reality. Funding from Youth Action Now not only supports financially, but will show others that the dreams of the youth still matter. Many youth in our city believe that the only way to achieve your dreams is by selling drugs and we want to invite Youth Action Now to help us be the example that they are more that what others portray them to be.”