Mawandoseg Centre

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Mawandoseg Centre - $1,000


Dominique Van Es (22)


The Mawandoseg Centre was created to address the unique needs of Indigenous students at Carleton. The Centre provides all students access to a space dedicated to upholding traditional values and contemporary shifts among Indigenous students. Mawandoseg is a word in the Algonquin language that roughly translates to "coming together". The name was chosen in an attempt to hold space for the Algonquin language at Carleton University, but also to bridge the gap between Indigenous and non-Indigenous students on campus. The name serves as a mission statement: the Mawandoseg Centre is intended to be a space where students can come together and learn from one another. The Mawandoseg Centre aims to be a space where Indigenous students can comfortably access resources (such as films, books, traditional medicines, etc.) and peer support, or just unwind between classes.

In their words: “With the support from Youth Action Now, I believe we will be able to create a thriving and supportive Indigenous community at Carleton University where students can share, gain knowledge and seek support from fellow Indigenous students. With the funding available we will be able to provide adequate cultural activities with knowledgeable Indigenous instructors. Indigenous students at Carleton University want to get involved and engage with their culture and community.”
