Spectrum Haunted Walk

spectrum youth group

Spectrum Youth Group - $700


Munea (24) 
Raiden (28
Jay (20)
Gunther (19)
Gabi (19)


Spectrum Youth Group is a for-youth, by-youth open group designed for LGBTQ+ folks ages 14-24. This group is overseen by the Youth Services Bureau, and is run out of their downtown drop-in. We have a vision of creating a memorable Halloween for our youth. We want to give them a night out to do the Haunted Walk here in the city. Our idea is to take the youth out for one on the Tuesday before Halloween, the 29th. We will also provide costumes for the young people to dress up in. 

In their words: “If our youth are happy and have had a good time, we’ve succeeded. This initiative is important because LGBTQ+ youth deserve just as much as is provided to their hetero and cis counterparts. These youth do not always see equality, and we aim to provide an experience and community they can appreciate and rely on.”