Youth Civic Engagement Phone App

civic ottawa

Youth Civic Engagement Phone App - $1,000

Dolly (21)
Karen (20)
Malaika (20)
Nic (21)
Melanie (20)

This youth group wants to create a phone application for young people to improve civic engagement among youth. These youth want to change the low voter turn-out among young people by creating an accessible youth-friendly platform where youth can access relevant political information like details on political representatives and how to contact them. This phone application makes contacting political representatives easier because it features pre-written emails that youth can change slightly to voice their concerns.

In their words: “This initiative is important because eligible voters aged 18 to 24 have to lowest voter turnout at only 57.1% voting, closely followed by the age group of 25 to 34, whose voter turnout 57.4%. By filling the information gap and making civic engagement more accessible to anyone who has a phone, we can create a city whose young citizens are immersed in their government, resulting in representatives that can actually represent a significant majority of their constituents and their views.
