Purple Sisters

purple sisters.png

Purple Sisters - $970


Munea (24) 
Fatma (19)
Bella (19)
Celestina (23)
Amber (22)
Alaysha (24)
Athourina (23)
Zarin (19)


The Purple Sisters are a Youth Advisory Committee at the Youth Services Bureau. They work to empower young women from all backgrounds, regardless of class, race, age, sexual and gender identity, religion and physical and mental ability. They are seeking funding to host SlutWalk Ottawa, which is a movement of protest and march which aims to end rape culture and sexual violence. The goal of the march is to move towards eliminating a culture of victim-blaming and sex-shaming in our society, as well as to empower and inspire survivors. It raises awareness that no matter what someone is wearing, it is never the survivor's fault. This march is happening September 8th, 2019.

In their words: “It’s important to show support for sexual assault survivors and continue to combat rape culture. SlutWalk has been very instrumental in challenging these two areas. Maintaining the tradition of SlutWalk, empowering survivors and giving people the opportunity to speak up about sexual violence are three of our biggest goals with this event. Rape culture manifests itself in many forms, from victim blaming to slut-shaming to much more. We’re here to challenge the shaming and blaming of victims of sexual violence. We’re here to say that it is never the victim’s fault.”
