3 Tips On Balancing School & Activism

3 tips on balancing school

With it being back to school for many people - last week and this week - we know everyone's workload will be more challenging. As community builders, it's probably still important for you to remain active, but you want to do it without losing focus of school. Here are 3 tips to balance your school and your activism.⁠

1) Choose one day a week or even once a month where you and your group can meet for a dedicated time. Meeting face-to-face is important for connection and to keep everyone fired up, but setting a realistic meeting schedule will help relieve the stress.⁠

2) Try to prioritize in order of importance, and keep your daily task list to a minimum. For example you can tell yourself that if you've managed to do the top three most important tasks first that day, then you can think about working on that one thing for your organization's fundraising event. ⁠

3) Say no - it's ok to say no if you're finding it challenging to balance and make time for extra-curricular work. Your mental health, sleep and physical health should never be sacrificed.⁠